Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How is Facebook going to be in five years?
I think less people is going to be on there
How has facebook changed the way people interacted?
It has become easier to talk to people
What should and should not be posted on facebook?
Funny things should be on there
Bad things about people shouldn’t be on there
Why is it important to monitor your page?
Negative: You can be stalked, anyone will know your business, you can get fired from your job, people can see things you don’t want them to see, cyber bulling
Positive: you can talk to people if you don’t have a phone; you can find long lost family,
You can play games, you can poke people, and you can post pictures

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Affect and Efffect:)

  • Bad grades will affect my honor roll.
  • The effect of not making honor roll will not help you get a scholarship.

Examples of...

Who v.s. whom
Who is that?
Whom did you ask?
Lay v.s. lie
I will lay down and rest.
Do he lie in the courtroom?
Ending sentence with preposition
What did you step on?
You shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition
Where are you at?

My Newsletter

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So I was on my way home from school and I seen this man in a bunny costume, dancing . He was shaking his butt and doing the duggie. LOL it made my day:)